At every Regional event we run we rely on the expertise of qualified, experienced volunteers able to manage the events that our competitors need to achieve their personal goals.
In Swim England East Region we strive to provide all our swimming officials with training opportunities that help them retain up to date skills so that all our competitions are judged fairly and our athletes are treated equally.
England, Scotland and Wales have been working towards common standards in the education and training of all swimming officials. All three Home Countries now use FINA Technical Rules. As such, trained officials are listed as British Swimming Officials.
Professional Development for Regional Swimming Technical Officials
Swim England East Region has a Swimming Officials’ Leadership Group (SOLG) that co-ordinates training for officials in the Region. Contact the Swimming Officials’ Leadership Group Manager David Metcalf (a volunteer). Minutes of the SOLG meetings can be viewed here.
The list of courses below has been created to assist Technical Officials in locating courses to meet the criteria required in association with their development, as well as maintaining the currency of their licence.
Website Page links:-
- Swim England issues updated guidance on minimum pool depths for racing
- Swim England Transgender and Non-binary Competition Policy
- Swim England Certificate of Exception Information
- Description of the various training available for technical officials.
- Aquatics GB Official’s Resource Page
- Swim England East Region YouTube link
- Some frequently asked questions page (FAQs)
- Renewal of Aquatics GB Technical Officials Licence Updated Jan. 23
- Aquatics GB Technical Officials Licensing Page
- World Para Swimming Rules and Regulations – April 2024
Continuous Professional Development and Courses available:
- Contemporary Issues: Officials Awareness Module – [M5]
- World Aquatics Rules update – [M6] – contact your County Coordinator for more information
- World Aquatics Competition Regulations Changes as of 1 July 2024. NEW
- Refereeing Swimming – A Beginners Guide (online)
- Aquatics GB – National Para-Swimming Officials CPD on 10 April 2025 @ 7pm
- Swimming Official’s Regional Training Opportunities Judge Level 2/2S. Updated 20/02/25
Swimming Official’s Regional Training Opportunities Judge Level 2/2S
Counties within the Region are running a structured plan of virtual online training for all judge level 2/2S trainees, with planned dates throughout the year within the region. Training will be offered either by MS Teams or Zoom. The document below is a live document, it will be updated as and when new course dates become available.
Click here for the officials course page
FINA Officiating Videos
The “Officiating Swimming – Competitive Strokes” videos are the FINA approved tools used for a better understanding of officiating in Swimming. Through the videos FINA aims to uniform a pattern of interpretation and application of Swimming rules, thus raising the quality of officials.
FINA Officiating Stroke Videos US Swimming Starter Training Video
Opportunities to Officiate at Regional Swimming Competitions.
Applications for qualified British Swimming licensed technical officials to officiate at Regional swimming galas are coordinated through David Metcalf.
Swim England East Region 2025 swimming competition requests for technical officiating will appear below highlighted in blue below when application process is open.
SEER LC Championships 2025
Useful documents for swimming officials.
We have developed a resource of useful documents for swimming officials.
The Importance of Insurance
All clubs, promoters and competition organisers are reminded that, for insurance purposes, all those volunteering or officiating on poolside at any competition must be registered members of a British Swimming affiliated club or a member of the Institute of Swimming.
Regional Swimming Technical Official’s Online Forums 2021
Swim England East Region hosted a series of Swimming Technical Official’s Online Forums Starting in June 2021. The forums were organised to assist our officials in preparation for their return back to returning to officiating after a 15 month absence on poolside. Please visit the online Forum page by clicking on this link Swimming Official’s Online Forums
SE East Region Officials County Circulation Email List Applications
Links for Regional Gala Officiating Opportunities and Technical Official’s newsletters.
If you would like to be added to the Regional official’s mailing list, the details required are, your name, the name of the club you are a member of, your SE membership number and your email address.
It is intended that the Mailchimp circulations list (via email only) will be used to send out invitations to Regional galas or provide to information relevant to swimming officials, such as rule changes, CPD opportunities or Aquatics GB (British Swimming) – Swim England policy or procedure updates.
The official’s list will only be used by Swim England East Region and will not be passed to any other organisation or be used to send information on behalf of any other organisation (adverts, flyers etc., requests for officials at County or clubs galas).
Please click on the county you are a member of below to enrol for the Regional Official’s newsletter:
Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Essex Hertfordshire Norfolk Suffolk
Register for the British Swimming Officials Newsletter here.