2025 Events
(This page will be updated as and when information is available)
2025 Swim England East Region Long Course Championships
This year’s Swim England East Region Long Course Championships will take place 28th – 30th March and 3rd – 5th May and 9th-11th May 2025.
The Short Course Championships will be 31st October – 2nd November 2025.
Queries can be directed to swimming@eastswimming.org
The documents below give all the details as this current time:
Swim England East Region Long Course Championships 2025
Main Entry System (For weekend 1 only)
Technical Officials and Poolside Volunteer Application link
If you wish to be included in the email notifications when applications open for future events and you are not already on the Mailchimp circulation list, please enrol by clicking on this link and select the County in which the Club you are a member of at the bottom of the page.
East Region Swimming Competitions
In accordance with the British Swimming Competition Pathway, the Swimming Committee organises the following competitions annually:
- Long Course Championships – usually held in Spring and Summer
- Short Course Championships – usually held in November
Details of forthcoming competitions, including entry times and conditions will be published on this page but not until a few months after the previous championships.
Received entries will be published a day or so after the closing date and final Accepted Entries will follow after a review period.
Final Information Packs for each weekend will be published during the week preceding that event and this will contain timing and links to results as well as information re live streaming, if applicable, and merchandise sales which take place at each venue. Entry as a spectator is payable on the door at the venue.
Swim England Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Policy
This came into effect on 1st September 2023.
For further discipline information please see the Swim England website
Coach, Team Manager and Chaperone Passes
These are available to download from Swimmingresults.org. Coach, Team Manager and Chaperone passes will not be available on the day of competition.
If you have not used the system before the logon page via the link above contains details on how to register. Any questions about Membership numbers and registered emails should go to your club registration officer not the region.
About half way down the screen there is a line starting “Purchase accreditation for events“ and a link to click. Click it.
The next page lists all events across the country where pass applications are possible.
The system checks the data on your membership record against the criteria
Coaches must have at least an assistant (Level 1) coaching certificate. Team Managers must have attended a Team Manager 1 course. Chaperones will need to ask their Club Chair to email renewals@swimming.org specifying that they are happy for that member to be a Chaperone. Renewals will then change that section to PASS.
If all criteria are met then you can then apply for that event. Print the pass and bring it to the event. You will need to apply for each event/day/weekend you are attending.
If you have any questions about the accuracy of the data held you can return to the first page which shows you how to check the data on OMS or upload certificates. Please do not immediately contact the region about your membership data but use all the other routes on the online system first.
Become a swimming official
At every event we run we rely on the expertise of qualified, experienced volunteers able to provide the events that our competitors need to achieve their personal goals.
Swim England East Region has a Swimming Officials Group that co-ordinates training for officials in the Region.
East Region Travel and Expenses Policy
East Region have a travel and subsistence expenses policy for all volunteers that are appointed to work at Regional swimming events.
Download the Region’s updated hotel and expenses policy for swimming events effective from November 23.