Open Water Competitions

The Region organises Open Water Championships in July each year and has, for successive years, had the highest swimmer entry numbers of any regional open water event.

Races are held over 1K, 2K, 3K and 5K and are split into age groups. For those aged 12-18, the Regional Championships also offer a chance to qualify for the National Open Water Championships

Regional Open Water Championships

Date:  Sunday 13th July 2025

Venue: Whitlingham Adventure, Norwich, NR14 8TR


Accepted Entries

Medical Information Form

Event 1 – 3Km Waves

Event 2 – 1Km Waves

Event 3 – 2Km Waves

Event 4 – 5Km Waves


Live Results.

Travel and Accommodation Policy for Technical Officials and Volunteers. 

If you have any queries regarding your entry please email

Feedback: It is important for the region to hear feedback from those that attended the event. Please take the time to fill in our feedback form and we will use this to develop the competition in future years. Feedback Form.

Coach/ Team Manager Passes: The region requires all swimmers under the age of 18 to be under the supervision of either a Coach or Team Manager. Coaches and Team Managers will be required to gain a coach pass for the event. Please visit our Coach Pass page for more information.

Results: Please note the following important information regarding results:

  • Results can only be processed once all swimmers have left the water after a race and the the race referee has reviewed timings and placings.
  • Results will be published as soon as possible on the deck for coaches and on the bank for spectators.  Please do not ask the results team directly for results.
  • Full results will be available online on our open water results page after the event.  Results can’t be published immediately due to limited internet access at the venue.

Venue Information

Parking: There is limited parking available at the venue and there is a parking fee.  Our event is always busy so please:

  • Car share with someone from your club where possible to reduce the number of vehicles requiring parking.
  • Park where instructed to by our volunteer traffic management team to ensure the most efficient use of the space available.
  • Be prepared for a short walk, the closest parking will be reserved for blue badge holders.

Important: Please note the parking system at Whitlingham is on a pay and display basis.  Please check the details of the fees and payment arrangements.

The carpark is managed by a separate carpark management company, the event organisers do not have any control over this. If any vehicle is parked not in accordance with the regulations of the car park a penalty notice will be issued. This includes not parking within the marked lines or non-payment of the appropriate fee.

The organisers do not accept any responsibility for car parking

Please could anyone requiring a disabled parking space for this event please let know before the event, so arrangements can be made to accommodate this request.

Litter: Whiltlingham Adventure is hired by the East Region and is expected to be left as we found it.  Please ensure you take your litter home to prevent our hard-working event volunteers having to litter-pick at the end of a long event, thank you.

BBQs: Due to it being a fire hazard in the Country Park, there must be no BBQs lit by visitors to the park at any time

Event Volunteers- PLEASE SIGN UP!

The Region is looking for volunteers and Technical Officials to help the event run smoothly. If you can assist on the day, we would appreciate you sign up using the Non-Technical volunteers online sign up page. For Technical Officials online sign up page. The event cannot take place without volunteers helping on the day. 

Swim England Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Policy

This will come into effect from events from 1st September 2023.

For further discipline information please see the Swim England website 


Commemorative hoodies will be available for purchase at the event.

Coach and Team Manager Passes 

These are available to download from .Coach and Team Manager passes will not be available on the day of competition.

If you have not used the Coach Pass system before the logon page via the link above contains details on how to register. Any questions about Membership numbers and registered emails should go to your club registration officer not the region.

About half way down the screen there is a line starting “Purchase accreditation for events“ and a link to click. Click it.

The next page lists all events across the country where pass applications are possible.

The system checks the data on your membership record against the criteria

Coaches must have at least an assistant (Level 1) coaching certificate. Team Managers must have attended a Team Manager 1 course.

If all criteria are met then you can then apply for that event. Print the pass and bring it to the event. You will need to apply for each event/day/weekend you are attending.

If you have any questions about the accuracy of the data held you can return to the first page which shows you how to check the data on OMS or upload certificates. Please do not immediately contact the region about your membership data but use all the other routes on the online system first.