Help shape the future of the East Region!

The Region is looking for a new volunteers to head up the Region as Chairman, as well as the Masters Leadership Group and volunteers to join our Regional Operations Committee.

Regional Chairman

As Chairman you would join the current team as a company director and trustee of the company, Swim England East Region.

You would chair the Board meetings scheduled throughout the year as required. The Group consists of representatives from the six East Region counties and will be supported by a member of the Regional Operations committee and the region’s staff.

You would manage the disciplines by delegation to the discipline Leadership Groups. Each one is led by its volunteer manager.

Masters Manager

You would chair the group meetings scheduled throughout the year as required. The Group consists of representatives from each of the six East Region counties and will be supported by a member of the Regional Operations committee and the region’s staff.

You would manage the Group’s organisation of our Masters Championships, Masters Inter County Competitions and draft and monitor budget and development plans for the region assisted by the region’s staff. You would implement development plans and provide news articles for our website and social media ultimately reporting to the region’s Board of Directors.

Regional Operations Committee.

The Regional Operations Committee (ROC) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the implementation of the strategy and has the overall responsibility for the management and delivery of development for athletes, coaches and volunteers, and for the management and delivery of competition.

The ROC is very much the ‘sport’ committee, and oversees the work on the individual Leadership Groups.

For the role descriptions for the Chairman and the Masters Manager can be found here.

For the Terms of Reference for the Regional Operations Committee can be found here.

If you are keen to get involved, please complete a nomination form. The closing date for all is the 20th May 2024.