Entries for the first weekend of the Long Course Championships are closing soon

Entries for the first weekend will close at midnight on 24th March, just a few days away.

This year that is a strict deadline as we do not have the time to offer a review period. There is an exception to this, if a swimmer achieves a qualifying time (not an improved qualifying time) at a meet on 22-23 March where the club has an issue uploading their results file to rankings we will work to ensure they can enter the Championships.

All Para entries have received an email detailing their entries. Anybody who entered via the main entry system is asked to check their entries before the close using the entry viewer at https://www.swimmingresults.org/events/common24/entryviewer.php?comp=eastregion-lc25mar or for relay entries https://www.swimmingresults.org/events/eastregion-lc25mar/relayentryviewer.php.

If you believe an event is missing you can check whether it is still open to enter using the entry system at https://www.swimmingresults.org/events/eastregion-lc25mar/. If an event has already been entered the system will not show a tick box for that event to prevent a further entry being made. The time shown on the first entry is the one that will be used, times will not be updated.

Any issues with entries should be reported to swimentries@eastswimming.org.

We have contacted clubs that have meets on 22-23 March and have set up Zoom meetings with them to discuss how we can minimise and overcome any issues that arise. We have also contacted the rankings team who have agreed to help us to ensure that no swimmer misses out on the opportunity to enter the Championships.

We are still short of Officials and Volunteers for the March Norwich weekend. If you are able to help at the Championships you can sign up at https://www.eastswimming.org/swimming/swimming-officials-application-to-officiate/

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