Clubs & affiliation

Affiliation fees 2025

Affiliation Fees are due annually – Swim England collects the affiliation fee for Swim England East Region and Counties. 

These are due on January 1, 2025 and must have been paid by February 28, 2025. New members joining throughout the year can join at the same price. From 1st October until the end of the year Swim England fees will be reduced by 50%. 

The Regional Affiliation Fees for 2025 are:

  • £35.00 per club/organisation
  • £6.00 Category 1 member
  • £5.00 Category 2 member
  • No charge for Category 3 member

Benefits of Affiliation

When you affiliate your club to Swim England East Region you unlock lots of additional opportunities for your members.

    • Insurance cover (which includes civil liability, personal accident and legal advice)
    • Opportunities for training, licensing and CPD gained by teachers and coaches
    • Club-related initiatives such as SwimMark
    • A structured competitive pathway
    • Access to the Swim England-employed clubs team through regional offices to help your club and its members achieve your full potential

Club Constitutions

Every club affiliated to the region will be run by a committee according to their club’s constitution.  Swim England issue guidance notes on constitutions, including a Model Club Constitution 

All clubs must review their constitution annually and are required to submit their constitution to the Region every four years (the process is detailed here) where it will be approved by the Regional Membership Officer.  Proof of this submission will be needed for all member clubs.

Constitution Workshop

These workshops will be held occasionally to assist clubs.

Becoming an affiliated club

Thinking of applying for affiliation to Swim England East Region?  In the first instance you should make contact with the East Region Membership Officer Chris Galer. –

You can also have a look at the Affiliation Pack which outlines the whole process for clubs and the Affiliation Pack for schools is here. You will need to contact the Regional Membership Officer for an application form.

Swim England also provides information and guidance to support clubs wishing to become affiliated.

There are also Guidance Notes for completion of a model constitution which can be downloaded.

All clubs affiliated to Swim England and Swim England East Region can be found here

Definition of Membership

The Regional Membership Officer has produced a Guidance Document which clarifies the definition of ‘the member’ and it highlights the importance of having a guardian of each swimmer registered as a member of Swim England.