Category: East Region

Annual Report 2019 Now Available

The 2019 Annual Report is now available to download. It summarises the great achievements of the region over the past year, and the fantastic work which has provided our members with outstanding development opportunities and competitions.

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East Region seeking Nominations for ACM

In preperation for elections at the forthcoming ACM (14 September, Freckenham Village Hall), we are seeking nominations for multiple posts. If you would like to stand for election to one, or more, of these posts, please read the role description, complete a nomination form and submit it by 23rd August 2019 to [email protected].

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Regional Plan 2019-20

The Regional Management Board has approved the regional plan for 2019-20.  The plan contains details of all intended activities for all disciplines and can be viewed in full on our What we do page.  Any questions regarding the plan should be sent to [email protected].

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