Category: Clubs

Return to Pool Guidance updated

The Swim England Return to Pool Guidance has been updated again particularly in response to the recent changes announce by the Government last week and in particular how this affects water polo’s return to team sport. Supporting documents and FAQ’s are constantly being updated.  

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Stronger Affiliation – 3 months to go…

Almost a quarter of the Swim England affiliated clubs that need to submit evidence to meet new Stronger Affiliation guidelines have either completed or begun the process. Swim England has created Stronger Affiliation so its affiliated clubs which are not yet SwimMark accredited, of which there are around 450, can prove they are well run

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More Stronger Affiliation workshop dates announced

These workshops have been organised to help clubs understand the requirements of Stronger Affiliation, the compulsory standards that clubs have to evidence as part of affiliation to Swim England. If you are a SwimMark club, no action is needed, and you don’t need to attend the workshop. If you wish to attend please register online

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Green light given to reopen!

Late yesterday the Government announced that swimming pools could reopen: outdoor pools from 11th July and indoor pools from 25th July (after 16 weeks of closure)

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Stronger Affiliation Workshops Now Available

These workshops have been organised to help clubs understand the requirements of Stronger Affiliation, the compulsory standards that clubs have to evidence as part of affiliation to Swim England. If you are a SwimMark club, no action is needed, and you don’t need to attend the workshop. To book a place on one of the

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Celebrating National Volunteers’ Week

As part of National Volunteers’ Week Swim England East Region would like to say a big thank you to all our volunteers that give up their time to help our clubs, counties and the region. Check out our social media channels to see our clubs also saying thank you!

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Online Safeguarding Advice for Clubs

Since lockdown started and the use of online platforms such as Zoom has increased, Swim England has issued advice and guidance to clubs and members on good practice.   The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has also issued another warning around serious safeguarding risks as a result of a growing trend

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Community Emergency Fund Available for Clubs

Sport England has announced a £195 million package to help sport and physical activity through Coronavirus. This package consists of: A new £20 million Community Emergency Fund, which is open now for local club and community organisations to bid for grants between £300 and £10,000. A new £5 million fund for existing Sport England partners facing specific and immediate financial difficulty. £55 million put aside to support

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Applications for the 2020 Swimathon Grants are now open!

The Swimathon Foundation Community Grants Scheme offers funding to groups and individuals who provide swimming in their local community. Grants range from £300 – £2500, and are awarded to organisations supported by pools taking part in the main Swimathon event. Applications close 13th March 2020. More information can be found on the Swimathonfoundation website.

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