Swim England National Awards 2023

The 2023 Swim England National Awards have opened for nominations where members and organisations of the aquatics community are recognised for their commitment and passion for our sports. 

This year’s ceremony will not just honour those who have excelled and made a significant contribution to our sports but will also recognise the very best of the aquatics workforce across the country.  That’s because the event will include awards for our teachers, educators and swim schools so we can highlight their innovations and successes which we can all be inspired by. 

There’s also a brand new award for 2023 – the Swim England Inclusion Impact Award.  This award recognises any individual, club, swim school, operator or Approved Training Centre that has championed inclusion and diversity within aquatics.  

Nominations for the awards are now open for the following categories… 

  • Swim England Sport Club of the Year (one award per aquatic discipline) 
  • Swim England Volunteer of the Year 
  • Swim England Technical Officer of the Year 
  • Swim England Coach of the Year (one award per aquatic discipline) 
  • Swim England Inclusion Impact Award 
  • Swim England Youth Champion of the Year 
  • Swim England Educator of the Year 
  • Swim England Swimming Teacher of the Year 
  • Swim England Swim School of the Year 
  • Swim England Health Impact Award 
  • Swim England School Swimming and Water Impact Award 

Nominations open 1 June and close on 2 July. Follow the link to submit your nominations today. 

Diving community mourns the passing of Derek Beaumont

Tributes have been paid to diving stalwart Derek Beaumont who has passed away last week following a short illness.

Derek has been an influential figure in the sport of diving for more than half a century, progressing from an athlete to a judge, coach and committee member.

At the 2020 British Diving Championships, he was awarded a special recognition of thanks by Swim England’s Diving Leadership Group for his lifetime of service to the sport. Derek has judged at European, World and Olympic level, also coaching Lindsey Fraser at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. He helped produce numerous Olympians out of the Hatfield Swim Centre, where he founded the Beaumont Diving Academy.

Derek’s achievements also earnt him BBC’s Unsung Hero Award for the East region of England in 2014.

In that same year, he was also named as Swim England’s Volunteer Teacher/Coach of the Year.

“A true diving legend”

Following Derek’s passing Swim England’s Diving Leadership Group have paid tribute to a ‘true diving legend’.

“Derek will be hugely missed by his diving family and friends across the UK and the World.  Having founded the Beaumont Diving Academy in 1968, Derek helped produce nine Olympians, judged at European, World and Olympic level and contributed to the development of many of the coaches and judges that you find on poolside up and down the country today.

Throughout the years, Derek also served on many diving committees both nationally and regionally.  He has played an important part of so many people’s diving journey and inspired countless members of the diving community to volunteer and work within the sport. It is with the upmost respect we take this opportunity to thank Derek for his selfless dedication to the sport and pay our respects to a true diving legend.”

The thoughts and condolences of everyone at Swim England East Region are with Derek’s wife, Jackie, and his family during this time.

Bursary for Talented Athletes

Swim England East Region has a bursary scheme to assist our East Region athletes  selected to be part of British Swimming or England Talent teams from an East Region club (all disciplines). The region appreciates we are all going through challenging times still, and with increasing costs it is important we  assist our members to be able to take advantage of such selections and opportunities.

For more information please visit our bursaries and funding webpage.

Swim England Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Policy

Swim England’s updated transgender and non-binary competition policy has inclusion and fairness at its very heart. In order for all aquatic disciplines to be enjoyed as sport, there must be inclusive opportunities for transgender participants to compete.

This policy refers only to Swim England competitions (including those organised by our member Regions, Counties and Clubs) and will be implemented on 1 September 2023.


  1. If the meet is held after 1 September 2023 it will need to use Female and Open/ Male categories (unless they applied for a licence prior to 3 April where their existing conditions will be honoured)
  2. The Promoters will need to bear in mind that the meet management software will likely be showing as Female and Open/ Male from 1 September which could impact the scoreboard display. Swim England appreciates that there will be incidences of the old terms being used and a period of transition will be accepted.
  3. If the meet is being held prior to 1 September (regardless of when the licence was applied for) the meet can use Female and Male categories. The new Policy does not come into effect until 1 September.
  4. If a licensed series of events takes place on both sides of 1 September, we would encourage the return of results to be sent in as soon as possible after each occurrence.

Leagues and series of events (such as club champs):

A league or a series of events may wish to licence a final (or some of the events within a series) that occurs after 1 September. If some of the events are due to take place prior to 1 September then special dispensation can be given to the licensed elements after this date and can fall under the same Policy used for the first part of the league. Any licensed series of events (or part of) starting after 1 September will require adherence to the new policy.

Clarifying the female category birth sex:

The new Policy requires athletes who want to compete in the Female category to confirm their birth sex.

We would like to encourage Promoters to add to their conditions a statement to confirm that by entering the meet the athlete is confirming that if they are entering the Female category, and as such confirm they were born with a birth sex of female. Below is an example of such a statement;

The Female category is for birth sex females in accordance with Swim England’s Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Policy. By entering the ‘Female’ category, a swimmer confirms that their birth sex is female.

To view the policy please click here: Swim England Transgender Non-Binary Competition Policy

Should you have any questions or want more information about the policy please email: [email protected]

Supervision ratios update May 2023

Swim England have published a new policy regarding the supervision ratios for clubs within aquatics.

Previously, the guidance was in Wavepower and within Swim England’s Team Manager training, however, as part of our commitment to providing a safe environment for all members, a new policy is being introduced.

You can view both the policy and FAQ’s here: https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/swim-england-relases-supervision-ratios-policy/

If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Swim England Safeguarding Training Requirements

Swim England is updating its safeguarding training requirements for all members who require a DBS check as part of their role in aquatics and in accordance with Wavepower.

From January 1 2024, the national governing body will only accept Swim England Safeguarding training for those working within our clubs, counties and regions as part of our commitment set out in the Heart of Aquatics

This change will be mandatory, with a phasing-in period for those who hold existing approved safeguarding training that will be valid until its expiry date. For those who have not previously completed a Swim England tutor-led course, this will be the first step to achieving compliance.

The expectation is that members will complete a three-hour tutor-led course as initial training – which is valid for three years – followed by a refresher course three years later so that training can move in a six-year cycle. This update also addresses a gap in the national governing bodies’ training policy to cover 16 and 17-year-olds who are in a ‘Position of Trust’.

From the start of next year, Swim England Safeguarding Training will be required for those in this age group that are in coaching or teaching roles and are delivering a Swim England-recognised activity.

If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Connecting with Coaches – Safeguarding

The next Connecting with Coaches sessions will be led by Swim England’s Head of Safeguarding Kevin Suckling and Sport Governance and Welfare Manager Helen Weeks who will be providing an update on Safeguarding including the new team and focus, what happens when a concern is raised to the team and dispelling myths around coach investigations and suspensions. The sessions will also include an update on the governance review of clubs managed or run by other organisations and a three point check list for coaches working with their club committees to ensure they feel fully supported.

Two sessions will be taking place on Friday 5th May 12.30-13.30 and Tuesday 9th May 18.30-19.30. Please use the link to register for one or both of these sessions: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ConnectwithCoaches

There will be an opportunity to ask questions at both sessions however to ensure the sessions run to time please send any questions you may have and would like sharing in the session (these can remain anonymous if preferred) to [email protected]


Open Water Technical Officials course

Open Water Technical Officials Course

These dates are primarily aimed at new Open Water officials, they can either be completely new to officiating or hold an officiating qualification in another discipline. However, any existing Level 1 officials who wish to upskill please complete the survey so that we can establish demand for a session just for this purpose.

The cost of the course is £20 for new officials, which will include a practical logbook and their first licence upon qualification, or £15 if they already hold a licence in another discipline. The cost for the upskilling course will be advised once demand has been established.

The link to register interest in the courses is https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SEOWTO23 – please pass this on to anyone who may have previously expressed an interest in Open Water officiating.

If you have any questions please get in touch with [email protected]

Annual General Meeting – 26th April 2023

The Swim England East Region AGM is taking place on Wednesday 26th April 2023.

There are a number of volunteer roles due to be appointed at the AGM this year – these are –

  • President Elect
  • 2 x Member nominated Directors
  • 2 x Regional Operations Committee members
  • Membership Officer
  • Licensing Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Artistic Swimming Manager
  • Diving Manager
  • Open Water Manager
  • Masters Manager
  • Swimming Manager
  • Swimming Officials Manager

A role description for each role is available on request for your reference.

If you are interested in applying for any of these roles, please complete this nomination form and email it to nominations@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link – the closing date for nominations is Sunday 12th March 2023.

Please contact the Regional Chairman – Ian Cotton – with any queries on [email protected].