Executive officers
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Regional volunteer officers
What’s the role | Who does it | Email them |
Welfare Officer | Jo Stalley | welfare@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
Membership Officer | Chris Galer | membership@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
Licensing Officer | Simon Gee | rlo@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
Useful contacts
What’s the role | Email them |
swimming entries | swimentries@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
open water entries | owentries@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
swimming records | records@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |
Audit, Risk and Probity Committee | ARP@eastswimming.loxfyq1r35-lxd6r712q49g.p.temp-site.link |