Happy Christmas and a better New Year!

Thank you for all you have contributed to the sport over this last year, it has certainly been a challenging year for everyone. 2020 has seen our clubs, counties come together with the Region in ways we never have before, and has shown us possibilities we never anticipated.

As we near the end of this horrendous year we pay tribute to all our members for their dedication to swimming, and send our sincere festive wishes to them and their families.  We sincerely hope that 2021 will see a return to normality and that this will include the competitions that drive our sport.

Although our staff will be taking leave over the festive period, with everyone returning to work on  4th January, if there is anything urgent you can send us an email at east@swimming.org and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Best wishes for the year ahead and thank you again,

from the Swim England East Region President, the regional Management Board and staff.