Water Polo – Q&A sessions for Return to Team Sport Guidance

Swim England had recently submitted the Water Polo Return to Team Sport Guidance, this was a key part of our support to ensure clubs could return to playing.  Subsequently, the Government has issued further instructions around the ‘Rule of 6’ and its application to sport.

In light of both developments the Water Polo Leadership Group will be hosting a Question & Answer session for club officers and coaches of water polo clubs to discuss the Return to Team Sport Guidance and the impact of the ‘Rule of 6’ on water polo.

Two sessions have been made available both starting at 6.30pm on Thursday 1st October and Tuesday 6th October, club officers and coaches will only need to attend one of these sessions.

The following link can be used to sign up:


Zoom details for the meeting will follow after 12 midday on the day of the meeting.

Return to Pool Guidance updated

The Swim England Return to Pool Guidance has been updated again particularly in response to the recent changes announce by the Government last week and in particular how this affects water polo’s return to team sport. Supporting documents and FAQ’s are constantly being updated.


Head coaches selected for first online National Development Programme

Congratulations to Karen Pinniger for being selected for the Swim England National Development programme .

City of Norwich Swimming Club coach Karen said: “I’m over the moon to be a part of the National Development Programme again.

“It’s great that the Swim England Talent Team have been able to make this happen under the current circumstances. This programme is always a super opportunity for swimmers and coaches to learn from one other.

“The added dimension of being online is going to expand on the skills we’ve developed in lockdown. It will also support the athletes in their return to the pool, focusing and reframing high standards of performance in the post lockdown training and racing environment.”