Stronger Affiliation Workshops Now Available

These workshops have been organised to help clubs understand the requirements of Stronger Affiliation, the compulsory standards that clubs have to evidence as part of affiliation to Swim England. If you are a SwimMark club, no action is needed, and you don’t need to attend the workshop. To book a place on one of the 4 workshops planned, please email [email protected]

23rd June, 7pm

25th June, 1pm

4th July, 1pm

14th Juny, 6pm


Bernie Buck wins the Cherriman Award

Congratulations to Bernie on receiving this award in recognition of the huge amount of work he does as a volunteer with Masters. Bernie has twice been President of Suffolk and for many years was Suffolk County Championship Secretary but would be most known throughout the Region as East Region Masters Secretary.  He is still secretary for Team Anglia Masters. Now he is heavily involved with the running of British and National Masters Championships. You can read his reaction on the Swim England website.